October is Bullying Prevention Month
October 14, 2020
Every October, schools, organizations and individuals across the country join in observing National Bullying Prevention Month. The goal is to encourage communities to work together to stop bullying and cyberbullying and put an end to hatred and racism by increasing awareness of the prevalence and impact of all forms of bullying.
There are many ways to make an impact and help to end bullying. For example, consider the tips below:
Be a leader. Take action and don't let anyone be in isolation. Include others in activities and conversations when you can. Try to make new friends, especially those who might be sitting alone throughout the day.
Challenge others to be kind. Make kindness go viral with an act of kindness and challenge friends and classmates to pay it forward with their acts of kindness. Create positive messages on post-its and hand them out to others. Always celebrate and embrace differences. And always, always, always be kind.
Stand up for others. When you see someone being bullied, be brave and stand up for them. Bullies have been known to back off when others stand up for victims. If you don't feel safe, please get help from an adult.
We are always here for you. If you or someone you know is in need of mental health services, please call us at (308) 210-8487 or email info@clearwatercounselingne.org.